Your results will be delivered to you via an interactive dashboard. Please visit the guidance document on the dashboard for full details on how you should interpret each metric presented in the dashboard. Below you can find a basic overview of the key metrics.

There are 3 validated composite measures which predict live ad performance

Impact Score (& Awareness Index for TV) is the one number score which is a validated prediction of impact/success. It is essential for any ad to cut through before it can realise any of the other strengths seen in the ad (e.g. a strong message will only be delivered if the ad is going to cut through).

Short Term Sales Likelihood (STSL) / Short Term Effects Likelihood (STEL) is a summary measure composed of the Impact and Persuasion scores. STSL is for TV ads for FMCG/CPG brands and STEL is for non-TV ads irrespective of category and long-term purchase (i.e. cars) or service brands (i.e. financial services) TV ads. This score is weighted to take the life stage of a brand into account (giving more weight to persuasion for new/young brands and more weight to impact for an established brand)

STSL  is a predictive metric to assess the probability of the content to boost sales when deployed, solely based on copy quality. Although short-term share changes are subject to many influences outside of copy quality, the underlying relationship seen is clear and compelling.

STEL predicts the likelihood of a short-term uplift in brand predisposition.  Where the purchase cycle is longer even highly effective advertising may not lead to an immediate short-term sales uplift.  For this reason, we focus on whether advertising creates a positive impact on predisposition.

Power Contribution/Power Indicator is a summary metric that is specifically validated to an increase in Brand Equity. It is a composite of the Meaningful, Different and Salient (Awareness Index/Impact) scores.

Persuasion measures the increase in short-term purchase intention brought about by the ad – depending on the objectives of the ad/campaign the focus may be on different measures within. For new product launches, for example, you would expect and want the ad to be persuasive. It is however often the case that brands don’t have news as they are established brands in the market. In these instances, it will be less important to measure persuasion and more important to focus on impact (engagement measures) as a measure of short-term response. 

Strong advertising will build predisposition for the brand in both the short and the long-term. Most ads do not pay for themselves in the short-term.

Brands which are meaningful, different can command a greater market share, are more likely to grow and can justify charging a premium. Therefore meaningful/different measures are focused more on the long-term potential of the ad.

Advertising should build associations for the brand in line with the desired brand strategy. Delivery of those is measured through metrics like Message Check and Intuitive Associations.