Present concise, clear, and category-specific ideas to ensure effective analysis

Ideas should be short, clear and to the point (max. 75-90 characters)

  • Long/complex text will impact analysis (timed response works most effectively when the idea presented are similar in length and easy to understand)
  • This approach is not designed for and will not work for concepts

Ideas should relate to a single category to make the paired comparisons meaningful 

  • It is not possible to have prohibition pairs within the same test (i.e. ideas you do not wish to show together)


  • Introducing differences across the ideas that will distract from the idea itself 
    • E.g. prices 
    • Different brands 
  • Do not include too many benchmark ideas 
    • < 10% of the ideas in tests should be benchmark ideas if any inserted
  • Including descriptive text alongside an image, as this will be too small for a respondent to read and will not work effectively for the timed response methodology